Back Study on the Distribution support programme

Study on the Distribution support programme

Following the termination of the Distribution Support Programme in its previous format, Eurimages launched on 31 August 2020, a restricted market consultation to commission a Study on the feasibility, pertinence and design of a scheme aimed at supporting the distribution, circulation and sales of feature-length fiction, animation and documentary films originating in its member States. The bids received by the Council of Europe’s Procurement Service were analysed by a jury composed of one Eurimages staff member and two Council of Europe staff members from outside the service, specialised in financial matters and in the evaluation of public policies. Following this analysis, the bid from Ernst & Young Advisory (Paris La Défense, France) was selected.

Within the context of this study, Ernst & Young, in cooperation with independent consultant Bertrand Moullier, will be conducting a documentary review, interviews, online surveys and workshops with relevant stakeholders.

In the event you are contacted by Ernst & Young, Eurimages would like to thank you and your organisation for providing them with assistance in the research they are carrying out in the scope of this study. Your collaboration is essential in ensuring that this study will make a meaningful contribution to the improvement of the fund’s functioning.

You can contact the Ernst & Young team dedicated to this study at the following email address:

22 October 2020
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