Eurimages maintains a pool of independent external experts comprising professionals from the film and audiovisual industry who may be called upon to evaluate projects submitted to the Fund under its support programmes and to provide recommendations.

The current pool is nearing the end of its validity period (2022-2024). The expert pool must therefore be renewed for a new three-year period (2025-2027). This new pool will come into effect on 1 January 2025.

In accordance with its internal regulations and the internal procedures of the Council of Europe, Eurimages launched a new call for expressions of interest at the beginning of September 2024 to renew its pool of experts. However, the process for establishing this new pool will differ from the call for expressions of interest launched in 2021. The size of the new pool will be smaller, and the range of professional profiles will be narrower. The Eurimages Board of Management wishes to offer selected experts more opportunities to participate in one or more project evaluation sessions during the term of their new framework contract.

Experts will be selected by the Eurimages Secretariat based on criteria defined by the Board of Management and published in the internal regulations of the Executive Committee. The Secretariat will examine the candidates' curricula vitae and the declarations made in the online questionnaire to select the future experts best qualified to meet the Fund's needs. The Board of Management will then finalise the list of experts to be included in the future pool for the 2025-2027 period, and a framework contract will be offered to them.

Candidates must demonstrate extensive experience in the international film industry, particularly in feature films produced as international co-productions. They must also demonstrate at least five years of proven experience in either co-production, distribution, international sales, screenplay writing and analysis, directing, programming for international festivals, or project selection for international co-production markets. Finally, candidates must demonstrate language skills as defined by the Board of Management and hold the nationality of an Eurimages member state (including an associate member state) or be a permanent resident in one of these states.

The application platform is accessible from the Eurimages website. Applications must be submitted no later than 8 October 2024. All candidates will be informed of the Board of Management's decision regarding their inclusion or non-inclusion in the new expert pool. Successful candidates will be invited to sign a framework contract as soon as possible.

The first evaluation session for projects submitted under the co-production support programme will take place in March 2025, with the first expert selections occurring in the second half of January 2025.

The guidelines that can be downloaded in the "documents" section below give a complete overview of the functioning of the external experts: selection, mission, financial and administrative conditions, etc.

For information, the dates for the next meetings of the expert working groups which will assess the applications for co-production support are available here. The first selection of experts for each evaluation session takes place at the latest one week after the application deadline and the final selection of experts is confirmed approximately three weeks after this deadline. Experts who have signed a framework contract with Eurimages, but who have not been contacted during this period, will in principle not be asked to assess applications for support during the evaluation session in question. They will however remain part of the pool of experts.


    Apply through the online platform available here: Application Portal



 National Representatives

Conseil de l'Europe
Bâtiment Agora
Allée des Droits de l'Homme
F-67075 Strasbourg Cedex

Certification Officers -
Co-production status

List of external experts