Implementation of the ECHR and execution of judgments
This activity was already carried out by the Committee of experts on the reform of the Court (DH-GDR) during the biennium 2014-2015.
Thus, at its 8th meeting (27-29 May 2015), the DH-GDR held an exchange of views on the re-examination or reopening of cases following judgments of the Court, with particular focus on good practices and practical and procedural difficulties encountered.
At its 1st meeting (25-27 April 2016), the DH-SYSC held an exchange of views on the mechanisms for ensuring the compatibility of legislation with the Convention (arrangements, advantages, obstacles).
Concerning follow-up on this exercise, the Committee decided that:
- all contributions will be published on the specific web page which will be updated regularly;
- the Secretariat will draw up an “overview of good practice” that will be submitted to the experts by written procedure in autumn 2016 with a view to its transmission to the DH-SYSC for adoption at its 2nd meeting (8-10 November 2016). If the question of the compatibility of administrative practice with the Convention needs to be looked at in greater depth, an exchange of views could be held on that specific issue.
Secretary General
Directorate General of Human Rights and Rule of Law
Committee of Ministers
Parliamentary Assembly
Access to Official Documents (TROMSØ CONVENTION)
Department for the execution of the Court's Judgments
European Court of Human Rights
Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights
HELP – European Programme for Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals
Online Plateform Human Rights and Business