National Action Plans


2018 Slovenia

View the National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights Development Main Coordinating Authority Ministry of Foreign Affairs Drafting Process The process commenced in 2013 with a national multi-stakeholder Forum on Business and Human rights, organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and...

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Class Action Act

2017/18 Slovenia

The Act on Class Actions has introduced the institution of collective actions and collective settlements into the Slovenian judicial system (2017/2018).

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Non-Contentious Procedure Act

2019 Slovenia

The new Non-Contentious Procedure Act strengthens the Slovenian courts’ obligation to perform all such acts which are necessary for the protection of rights and interests of minors and other persons who are not capable of protecting their rights and interests by themselves due to mental illness...

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Implementation Actions
1. National Action Plans
1. Pillar I - Protect
2. Pillar II - Respect
3. Pillar III - Remedy
4. Additional Protections
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Chair of the CDDH