Intercultural Cities: #StandWithUkraine
The ICC network is a coalition of cities committed to building peaceful, human rights based intercultural societies. Gathering on 4 March in an extraordinary meeting ICC members adopted a Declaration on Solidarity with Ukraine and agreed to collect and share information on the initiatives they are undertaking in support of the population during these tragic moments. The resources below will be regularly updated.

4 March 2022
Dismayed by the armed attack on Ukraine, a sovereign European state, by the Russian Federation, disregarding international law, cooperation and diplomacy;
Acknowledging that the courage showed by Ukrainian citizens and their leaders to defend their land, institutions and democratic achievements is admirable, and a sacrifice for the protection the European values we all cherish and share;
Outraged by the deaths and tragedy brought by this attack on the Ukrainian land and people, and deeply saddened by the long-term consequences of this situation on Europeans a whole, including the Russian people;
Worried by the perspective of serious threats to global security and peaceful coexistence, as well as to the human rights and democratic order put in place on the continent since the foundation of the Council of Europe, in particular at local level through the Intercultural Cities programme;
Praising the solidarity of European citizens and the courageous decisions swiftly taken by the leaders of our respective countries;
Renewing our commitment towards building inclusive, peaceful, resilient, and intercultural societies by making equality, the diversity advantage, meaningful intercultural interaction and participation the political pillars for ensuring citizens’ well-being and enforcement of human rights,
We, Mayors of Intercultural Cities worldwide, #StandwithUkraine and renew our long-term and sustainable support and solidarity to its people and leaders by:
- Offering support to cities organising the emergency reception of people fleeing the war in Ukraine, including by sharing our experience in welcoming policies with any local authority that needs it;
- Declaring determination to host and include those seeking refuge in our cities, and to seek collaboration and support for this purpose from our respective state authorities;
- Calling on state leaders to continue enforcing the many courageous decisions taken so far, and to consider additional measures and diplomatic efforts should the acts of aggression not cease immediately;
- Declaring our readiness to help Ukrainian cities to rebuild their urban fabric and communities, with the support of the Intercultural Cities network;
- Standing strong and speaking up against any forms of hatred and discrimination generated as a consequence of the war against Ukraine.
An unprecedented event requires an unprecedented response: ICC cities call on Mayors across the globe to stand in solidarity and united for peace.
- Barcelona (Spain)
- Bergen (Norway)
- Bilbao (Spain)
- Bradford (United Kingdom)
- Casalecchio di Reno (Italy)
- Castellon (Spain)
- Donostia/San Sebastian (Spain)
- Dudelange (Luxembourg)
- Erlangen (Germany)
- Etterbeek (Belgium)
- Geneva (Switzerland)
- Hamamatsu (Japan)
- Ioannina (Greece)
- Jonava (Lithuania)
- Krakow (Poland)
- Leeds (United Kingdom)
- Logroño (Spain)
- Lublin (Poland)
- Malaga (Spain)
- Manchester (United Kingdom)
- Mexico City (Mexico) by Rosangela Amairany Peña Escalante, Parliamentarian - Chamber of Deputies
- Modena (Italy)
- Montreal (Canada)
- Neumarkt (Germany)
- Oslo (Norway)
- Pontedera (Italy)
- Reggio Emilia (Italy)
- Sabadell (Spain)
- Salt (Spain)
- Santa Coloma de Gramenet (Spain)
- Stavanger (Norway)
- Strasbourg (France)
- Tenerife Island (Spain)
- Vila Verde (Portugal)
- Zaragoza (Spain)
- Portuguese Network of Intercultural Cities (RPCI)
Support initiatives by members
In Barcelona (Spain) the social rights division is the main entity responsible, and the city coordinates with the regional level and consulate. The city has prepared an emergency service which is open 24/7 both though a telephone and presential service. Information has been shared on social media in Ukrainian to raise awareness on the availability of the service for everyone who is in need of for example medical assistance. The city has also prepared the Care Service for Immigrants, Emigrants and Refugees (SAIER) to provide legal assistance and also organised a meeting between the religious communities to have information on which actions they are carrying out. Further, the city is coordinating between the organisations with which they normally work and the different parts of the administration to assist with collecting materials. Further, the city has published a unanimous statement signed by all 41 councillors.
In Bergen (Norway), all newcomers from Ukraine are invited to a large reception in the city’s largest concert hall for a welcoming event. The reception will include entertainment, music, speeches and information. Further, the city works with the residents to allocate housing for all arriving from Ukraine. Residents can reach out to the city to if they are interested in hosting. The city has additionally set up an information page, both for persons arriving from Ukraine, and for residents who wish to take action to help. More information >>
The Città del Dialogo (Italian network of Intercultural Cities) has launched a fundraising campaign to support the reception of Refugees arriving at the Polish border. The Città del Dialogo are united against the war and in support of the Ukrainian residents. For this reason, the network launched a campaign to raise funds for the reception of refugees in Poland, where the intercultural cities of Lublin and Krakow are working day and night to welcome the refugees. The Coordinator of the Italian Network (ICEI) invites anyone to donate here:
In Erlangen (Germany) a crisis management group, led by the mayor, has been activated to work on the emergency response.
The city of Geneva (Switzerland) has made a statement on their webpage in support of Ukraine.
Jonava (Lithuania) is actively cooperating with the city of Smila in Ukraine. Jonava has supported the city financially and has also organised and sent support including medical tools, instruments and medicines. The city has set up the Social Services Centre as an information centre for Ukrainians who arrive in Jonava, including a hotline through which the city can provide advice to those who arrive in Jonava or who wish to bring their relatives. The city also assists those in need of assistance with housing in municipal apartments and coordinates with all non-governmental organizations operating in Jonava. Through this coordination the city can assist with food aid („Food Bank“), hygiene products („Caritas“), as well as clothes and items („Red Cross“, „Wings of Kindness)“. Additionally, the city provides free social and psychological assistance in the Social Services Centre, as well as a day-care service for Ukrainian children.
In Kirklees (United Kingdom) the Kirklees Welcomes is an on-line directory of organisations and services that can provide advice and support. The service is designed to help officers and volunteers who are supporting refugees and asylum seekers in Kirklees and covers all stages of the asylum process and all kinds of statutory and informal support. The city also has a website which keeps groups and organisations aware of the activities that are funded for migrants, asylum seekers and refugees in Kirklees. The city highlights the following useful resources:
- Welcome Mentors scheme
- Our ‘This way for English’ project
- The work of the International New Arrivals team
In Limassol (Cyprus) the city has participated in the collection of food together with the Government.
In Logroño (Spain) the city has collaborated with the Ukrainian residents in the city to help them coordinate the humanitarian aid. The city has also launched messages of solidarity and on living together in diversity. The city will organise the welcoming resources to those arriving in the city.
In Lublin (Poland) the city has put in place emergency housing for people fleeing Ukraine in several locations and the city is ready to accommodate 15 000 persons in schools, dormitories, and other adapted facilities). The city also has residents and businesses who volunteer to host Ukrainian citizens. Additionally, there are several restaurants in the city which offer hot meals free of charge to all in need. The city also ensures Ukrainian children find places in Lublin's schools and pre-schools and the city has also created a day-care centre and a children's room to provide care for children. Further, citizens of Ukraine who seek refuge because of war are offered free public transport.
In the city, the Social Committee to Aid Ukraine acts as an umbrella organisation to coordinate the help the city government, NGOs and residents. The Committee operates a 24-hour hotline and provides emergency support including for example housing, food, legal aid, as well as support of psychologists and doctors. The committee is aided by thousands of volunteers, including Lublin-based Ukrainian residents.
In Mexico City (Mexico) on 21 April 2022, 17-19 CEST, the Mexico-Czech Republic friendship group of the Chamber of Deputies of the Mexican Congress in cooperation with the Intercultural Cities programme of the Council of Europe invite interested participants to the forum “Intercultural policy: conflict and displacement. Notes on the situation in Europe”. Bringing together speakers from Europe and Mexico, the forum aims to address the situation in Ukraine, the effects of displacement of residents to other nations on different continents and how intercultural policies respond to this challenge.
Paris has set up a whole network of measures with state and institutional actors, as well as civil society organisations, to welcome people fleeing the war in Ukraine and provide them with emergency solutions (psychological support, accommodation, health and social assistance, etc.). A unique reception centre for refugees is open in the 18th arrondissement from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., as well as two gymnasiums, located near train stations (Gare d’Est and Gare de Lyon), to allow refugees a safe space while waiting for care and accommodation. Practical information for Ukrainian refugees and on how locals can help, can be found on their dedicated website ‘How Paris is mobilising for Ukraine’
In Sabadell (Spain) the city has set up a coordination system between the welcoming office and social action office to ensure assistance to those arriving in the city and to assist with asylum applications and basic support as needed. The city also has an email address to help organise the support from the residents of the city.
Strasbourg (France) - For psychological support please contact:
PAROLE SANS FRONTIERE - Psychanalyse et exil
University of Strasbourg: find on this Website all the solidarity measures put in place for students and researchers.
In Tenerife (Spain), the island is coordinating with the amongst others hotels to provide emergency housing for the Ukrainians on the island. Further, the municipality has flagged in support of Ukraine.
Montreal (Canada) has taken part in the International Marathon organised by the Ministry for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine, the Council of Europe Programme “Enhancing Decentralisation and Public Administration Reform in Ukraine,” the USAID Economic Resilience Activity, the Swiss-Ukrainian Decentralisation for Improved Democratic Education (DECIDE) project, the Association of Ukrainian Cities, the Association of Amalgamated Communities, and the Decentralisation Portal. Link to news.
For citizens who wish to help
- Arezzo (Italy)
- Barcelona (Spain)
- Bergen (Norway): Bergen kommune - Bergen står i solidaritet med det ukrainske folk - her kan du få hjelp
- Berlin-Neukölnn (Germany)
- Botkyrka (Sweden)
- Campi Bisenzio (Italy)
- Capannori (Italy)
- Cartagena (Spain)
- Casalecchio di Reno (Italy)
- Castellón de la Plana (Spain)
- Copenhagen (Denmark)
- Constanta (Romania)
- Dortmund (Germany)
- Drammen (Norway)
- Drummondville (Canada)
- Dublin (Ireland)
- Dudelange (Luxembourg): Aide à l’Ukraine – Ville de Dudelange
- Duisburg (Germany)
- Erlangen (Germany)
- Ehrenamtliche Hilfsangebote melden - Ukraine-Hilfe - Erlangen - Portal der Stadt Erlangen
- Erlangen bereitet sich auf ukrainische Flüchtende vor - Ukraine-Hilfe - Erlangen - Portal der Stadt Erlangen
- Spendenkonto eingerichtet - Ukraine-Hilfe - Erlangen - Portal der Stadt Erlangen
- Auf einen Blick: Antworten auf wichtige Fragen
- Forlì (Italy)
- Fucecchio (Italy)
- Genova (Italy)
- Geneva (Switzerland)
- Getafe (Spain)
- Haïfa (Israel)
- Hamburg (Germany)
- Jonava (Lithuania)
- Kirklees (United-Kingdom)
- Krakow (Poland)
- Kristiansand (Norway)
- Lodi (Italy)
- London Lewisham (United-Kingdom)
- Lublin (Poland)
- Lutsk (Ukraine)
- Lyon (France)
- Málaga (Spain)
- Malines (Belgium)
- Melitopol (Ukraine)
- Modena (Italy)
- Montréal (Canada): LaSalle annonce un don de 10 000 $ pour la crise humanitaire en Ukraine
- Munich (Germany)
- Neuchâtel (Switzerland)
- Offenburg (Germany)
- Oslo (Norway)
- Paris (France)
- Patras (Greece)
- Pécs (Hungary)
- Pontedera (Italy)
- Ravenne (Italy)
- Reggio Emilia (Italy)
- Rotterdam (the Netherlands)
- Sabadell (Spain)
- San Giuliano Terme (Italy)
- Santa Coloma de Gramenet (Spain)
- Savignano sul Rubicone (Italy)
- Stavanger (Norway)
- Strasbourg (France)
- Tilburg (the Netherlands)
- Trondheim (Norway)
- Turin (Italy)
- Turnhout (Belgium)
- Västerås (Sweden)
- Venise (Italy)
- Vinnytsia (Ukraine)
- Wroclaw (Poland)
- Zürich (Switzerland)
- Portuguese Network of Intercultural Cities (RPCI):
Intercultural Cities documents
- Ukrainian people in Portugal: a practical guidebook (2022)
- Long-term, sustainable housing solutions for the Intercultural City - Policy brief (2022)
- Rethinking welcoming policies from an intercultural perspective - Policy Brief (2022)
- Reception of women and children refugees in Europe’s cities and regions – Explanatory memorandum (2022)
- Building migrants' belonging through positive interactions (2011)
- Welcoming of refugees
- Arrival of refugees in your city: to do list
- Kirklees welcoming package
International Organisations help for refugees
- Ukraine Refugee Situation
- Contacts and help for refugees and asylum-seekers:
International Red Cross
European Union
Spanish Commission for Refugees (CEAR)
- The Russian Federation is excluded from the Council of Europe
- Secretary General condemns the Russian Federation’s aggression, calls for solidarity with Ukraine
- Council of Europe leaders make joint statement on the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine
- War in Ukraine: protecting women and girls - Statement by Council of Europe Secretary General Marija Pejčinović Burić ahead of International Women’s Day 8 March
- Statement from Council of Europe Secretary General Marija Pejčinović Burić on the military attack by the Russian Federation on Ukraine
- Council of Europe Committee of Ministers statements
- Commissioner for Human Rights’ statement on the situation in Ukraine
- More support urgently needed to assist people fleeing the war in Ukraine and countries of arrival, in particular the Republic of Moldova
- PACE President reacts to Russian military attack on Ukraine
- Congress President strongly condemns abduction of Mayors and pressure on local and regional authorities in Ukraine
- Statement by the President of the Council of Europe Congress on the Russian military attack against Ukraine
- CEB statement on Ukraine