The antirumours strategy is a long-term process of social change. It seeks to prevent discrimination, improve coexistence, and harness the potential of diversity by triggering a change in perceptions, attitudes, and behaviours among the general population and specific target groups.

This course and the Antirumours handbook provide more information on the theoretical approach and reformulates the objectives of the antirumours strategy and aspects of its methodology. The course can be useful both for cities that have been implementing the Antirumours strategy for years, and for those that have just started, or are planning to do so in the near future. Each new city that has launched this initiative has enriched the global strategy with new ideas, experiences, and approaches, many of which have been included in the material as good practice examples. The nature of the methodology leaves significant room for each city to adapt the methodology to its own context and specific circumstances, as well as decide its own priorities and objectives. Each implementation of the strategy opens new opportunities for collaboration with diverse actors, that in turn, adapt the antirumours approach to different areas and sectors.

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