Voltar Take the new Intercultural Citizenship Test now!

Take the new Intercultural Citizenship Test now!

The Intercultural Cities programme presents the Intercultural Citizenship Test – a tool for each and everyone to find out more about what it means to be an intercultural citizen. An intercultural city needs “citizens” who understand, support and act in line with the aspiration of building an inclusive, fair and cohesive diverse community.

The test can be taken online on the ICC web and is a quick and inspirational way to learn more about interculturalism. There are no right or wrong answers to the test, rather we hope you will leave with new ideas and thoughts about what you can do to make a change in your city.

The Intercultural citizenship test complements the Intercultural cities INDEX which helps city officials assess the strengths and gaps of local policies in order to design comprehensive inclusion and diversity management strategies. The intercultural citizenship test also comes with a facilitator guide for small group discussions which offers topics and ideas for further exploration and learning.

 Take the test to find out more about being an intercultural citizen here!

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