Atrás International conference on risks, security and citizenship

International conference on risks, security and citizenship

The International Conference Risks, Security and Citizenship was organised under the High Patronage of His Excellency the President of the Portuguese Republic, in the city of Setubal on 30-31 March 2017. The Conference’s goal was to facilitate exchanges among participants on the implementation of an effective strategy for disaster risk reduction towards resilient cities, in the framework of the Sendai 2015-30 Strategy. The event was attended by the Portuguese authorities, UN, international organisations and European institutions, academics, the private sector, INGOs, local and regional organisations.

The human rights approach of the Council of Europe was illustrated in the context of the activities conducted in relation to vulnerable groups, in particular, migrants. The participants of the Conference were briefed about the mandate of the Special Representative of the Secretary General on migration and refugees and his recent achievements, notably the thematic report on migrant and refugee children.

EUR-OPA’s programme of activities on vulnerable groups was presented. An exchange took place on how to achieve resilient societies in an inclusive way, promoting the EUR-OPA Recommendation on the Inclusion of Migrants, Asylum Seekers and Refugees in disaster preparedness and response, which was adopted at the Ministerial Meeting in October 2016 in Lisbon. The participants welcomed the role of the Council of Europe in developing inclusive policies, promoting cultural living together and viewing migrants as a resource. Also, there was support for a bottom up approach to policy development by civil society as an answer to risk situations.

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