Takaisin ICC, OSCE-ODIHR, UNHCR and OECD continue joining forces in support of Polish cities

Old Town Hall, Wroclaw, Poland

Old Town Hall, Wroclaw, Poland

Launched in March 2023 and running for 18 months, the Academy on the Integration of Migrants and Refugees in Polish Cities is an interagency initiative implemented in cooperation with the Union of Polish Metropolises (UMP) that offers a series of training courses to assist city administrations, preparing them to work with newcomers and addressing the challenges they might encounter while integrating them.

Drawing on their knowledge and expertise, the Council of Europe Intercultural Cities (ICC) Programme, the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR), and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) have designed an 18-months training programme for staff from a range of local authorities in Poland to address numerous aspects of migrant and refugee integration in cities.

After the success of the CoE-ICC training on intercultural competences organised in Lublin in 2023, it was decided to offer one further training this year.

In 2024, the Intercultural Cities programme is organising a two-day training designed to support the participants in their application of an anti-rumours methodology and strategy, taking into account the specific context of their local authorities.

The course consists of capacity-building sessions which combine practical exercises with theory. All participants will have the opportunity to share practices and challenges with peers from other municipalities.

The training includes the following sections:

  • DAY 1 (28 May 2024): The Anti-rumours Strategy
  • DAY 2 (29 May 2024): Anti-rumours in Polish cities

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Wroclaw, Poland 28-29 May 2024
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