Geri ICC Advisory Group: the summary report of the 1st meeting is now available

ICC Advisory Group:  the summary report of the 1st meeting is now available

The Intercultural Cities Advisory Group was created in the second quarter of 2023 and met for the first time on the 4 and 5 July 2023. The objective of the meeting was for the ICC Advisory Group to start providing strategic guidance to the ICC secretariat regarding the ICC programme implementation and functioning, including needs assessment, thematic priorities, review of tools and services, institutional communication and representation of the ICC network. It was also the occasion for members to meet in person for the first time, share their expectations, and agree on working methods.

Under the objectives set for its mandate, the Advisory Group discussed a first set of recommendations made by external evaluators to the ICC programme in 2022. The remaining recommendations will be discussed during the second meeting of the advisory group on 13 November 2023 in Bilbao, Spain. This meeting will be held back-to-back with the ICC coordinators annual meeting (14-15 November), during which a summary of the work of the Advisory Group will be presented to participants representing ICC national networks and cities member of the international ICC network.

The report of this first meeting summarises the discussions on each of the points tackled, as well as the proposed follow up actions.


 Click here to access the full report

7 august 2023
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