Economic and organised crime, corruption and money laundering are serious threats to economies, democracy and the rule of law across the world. South-Eastern Europe is particularly vulnerable to these threats due geographical, political and historic reasons.

Criminal activity generates proceeds the amount of which is difficult to address. Development of systems to search, seize and confiscate criminally gained assets is a matter of urgency and one of the most effective ways not only to recover the assets that can be used to fund public expenditures and compensate the crime victims; but also to satisfy the sense of justice and practically apply the principle that “crime should not pay”.

This project builds on the results of the previous joint projects funded by the European Union and implemented by the Council of Europe such as the CARDS Regional Police Project (CARPO – 2004-2007), Project against Economic Crime and Money Laundering in Serbia (PACO-Serbia – 2005-2007), and Support to Prosecutor’s Network in South-Eastern Europe (PROSECO – 2008-2010).

The Purpose of this Project is to enhance the institutional capacity and efficient functioning of the Directorate for Management of Seized and Confiscated Assets at the Ministry of Justice, the Financial Investigation Unit of the Ministry of Interior as well as other key institutions involved in the search, seizure, management and confiscation of the proceeds from crime in the Republic of Serbia.

Fourth cycle of the specialised training on financial instruments related to assets recovery for Prosecutors (Andrevlje, Serbia, 8 November – 24 November 2012)

24 November 2012 Andrevlje, Serbia

Specialised training course for prosecutors on financial investigations related to assets recovery will be held in November 2012 in Andrevlje, Serbia. This is the final course and participants will be prosecutors from the area of jurisdiction of Novi Sad Appellate Prosecutors Office. The Course...

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Third cycle of the specialised training on financial instruments related to assets recovery for Prosecutors (Kalna, Serbia, 4 October - 20 October 2012)

20 October 2012 Kalna, Serbia

Specialised training course for prosecutors on financial investigations related to assets recovery was held in October 2012 in Kalna, Serbia. This time participants were prosecutors from the area of jurisdiction of Niš Appellate Prosecutors Office. The Course consisted of three sessions that were...

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Training of journalists on asset recovery reporting (Kragujevac, Serbia, 14 June 2012)

14 June 2012 Kragujevac, Serbia

CAR project organized a fourth training session on assets recovery reporting. The aim of the training, conducted by EBART Media Archive, addressed some of the shortcomings identified in the two reports prepared under the CAR project (first report prepared by EBART and second by CESID). The main...

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Contact in Headquarters (Strasbourg)

Economic Crime Cooperation Unit
Department of Action against Crime
Directorate of Information Society and Action against Crime
DG I - Directorate general of Human rights and Rule of Law
Council of Europe
F-67075 Strasbourg Cedex
Phone: +33 (0)3 88 41 26 29
Fax: +33 (0)3 88 41 27 05

Project Coordinator
Ms Ilknur Yuksek 
Phone: +33 (0)3 90 21 55 16 
Fax: +33 (0)3 88 41 27 05
Email: Ilknur.YUKSEK [at]

Project team in Belgrade

Local Project Advisor
Phone: + 381 11 71 555 03
Mobile: + 381 62 278 150
Email: Silvija.PANOVIC-DJURIC [at]

Local Project Assistant
Phone: + 381 11 71 555 24
Mobile: + 381 64 197 40 55
Email: Miroslava.BALABANOVIC [at]

Local Project Assistant
Mr  Aleksandar STOJANOVIC
Phone: + 381 11 71 555 07
Mobile: + 381 63 44 23 79
Email: Aleksandar.STOJANOVIC [at]

Council of Europe Office in Belgrade 
Blue center, block 26, building B, 3 Spanskih boraca,
11 070, Belgrade, Serbia
Phone: + 381 11 71 555 00
Fax: + 381 11 3122 088


  Annual Reports

      2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 
      2017 - 2018 - 2022

  Activities annually

      2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018 -
      2019 - 2020 - 2021 - 2022 -
