Plan d'action national


2014 Denmark

View the National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights Development Main Coordinating Authority Danish Business Authority, Ministry of Business Drafting Process Research and interministeral discussions leading to the development of the action plan were conducted over a period of around 12...

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Actions de mise en œuvre

Corporate Social Responsibility reporting for large companies

2009 Denmark

Since legislation in 2009, large Danish companies have had a legal obligation report on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) reporting – also known as the comply-or-explain model. In 2015 the Danish Parliament revised the regulations due to the EU-directive on non-financial reporting.

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Actions de mise en œuvre
Plans d'action nationaux
1. Pilier I - Protéger
2. Pilier II - Respecter
3. Pilier III - Remède
4. Protections Supplémentaires
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 Présidence du CDDH