Le Conseil de l'Europe met en œuvre une série de programmes visant à lutter contre la discrimination, les inégalités et l'exclusion et à renforcer l'inclusion. Ces programmes sont guidés par les normes de l'organisation visant à sauvegarder les valeurs démocratiques et les droits humains fondamentaux. 

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Retour Empowering justice system to address serious forms of discrimination: Launch of the HELP course on hate crime for Albanian legal professionals

Empowering justice system to address serious forms of discrimination: Launch of the HELP course on hate crime for Albanian legal professionals

The HELP (Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals) course on Hate Crimes, specifically tailored for judges, prosecutors, and police officers in Albania, was launched today in Tirana. This event, supported by the European Union and the Council of Europe, is a significant step towards enhancing their capacity in addressing and combating hate crimes effectively.

While Albania has made progress in addressing hate crimes through its legal framework and international co-operation, significant challenges remain. In this sense, hate crimes remain underreported, often due to lack of trust in law enforcement and the judicial system. Awareness among the public on reporting mechanisms is also paramount.  

Another important fact is that official statistics on hate crimes are limited, which prevents a comprehensive understanding of the real situation in Albania. Enhanced training for legal professionals, increased public awareness, and better support systems for victims remain essential.

The need for continuous training for judges, prosecutors, and police officers is crucial to ensure they are equipped to identify, investigate, and prosecute hate crimes effectively. This is where initiatives like the HELP course come into play as they aim to bridge knowledge gaps and improve the effectiveness of the legal system in handling hate crimes. Further initiatives will be taken in the joint fight against hate speech, hate crimes and discrimination in Albania.

This activity was organised within the action Advancing the protection from discrimination in Albania, part of the joint European Union and the Council of Europe programme Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Türkiye, in cooperation with the ‘Human Rights Trust Fund’ HELP in the Western Balkans project.


Tirana, Albania 28 JUNE
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*All reference to Kosovo, whether to the territory, institutions or population, shall be understood in full compliance with United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo.

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