Geri 5th meeting of the Committee of Experts on Intercultural Inclusion (ADI-INT)

5th meeting of the Committee of Experts on Intercultural Inclusion (ADI-INT)

On 14-15 May 2024, the Committee of Experts on Intercultural Inclusion (ADI-INT) held its 5th meeting in Lublin, Poland.

Participants were welcomed by Mariusz Banach, Deputy Mayor of Lublin.

During the meeting, the Committee elected Karoline Fernandez De La Hoz Zeitler (Spain) as Chair and Krzysztof Stanowski (Lublin, Poland) as Vice-Chair, and appointed Grégory Jaquet (Canton of Neuchâtel, Switzerland) as Gender Equality Rapporteur.

The ADI-INT continued its work on developing capacity building tools on intercultural integration and inclusion to support member states in their implementation of Recommendation CM/Rec(2022)10 on multilevel policies and governance for intercultural integration. In particular, the Committee members discussed progress made in the development of a multilevel governance index and of a guidance document on strategies for inclusion. The Committee also heard a presentation by Lublin’s Civic Dialogue Committee for the Integration of Migrants. Delegates also participated in a study visit to the Baobab Community Centre for migrants and refugees and a guided multicultural tour of Lublin.

According to the Council of Europe, the guiding principles of any Intercultural Integration Strategy as set out in its Model Framework for an Intercultural Integration Strategy at the National Level are ensuring equality, valuing diversity, and fostering meaningful interaction as well as active citizenship and participation.

Lublin was one of the first members of the Council of Europe’s Intercultural Cities (ICC) Network in 2008, and the first Polish city. It has been an active, innovative and committed member of the network ever since. One of the city’s first good practice examples is the project “Lublin for all”.  Last year, Lublin hosted an ICC training course on intercultural competences for Polish cities as part of an interagency initiative between the Council of Europe, ODIHR, UNHCR and the OECD.

The ADI-INT is comprised of representatives of national, regional and local governments of Council of Europe member and observer states. International governmental and non-governmental organisations such as UNHRC or the Assembly of European Regions (AER) also participate in the meetings.

The 6th meeting of the Committee will be held between 8-11 October 2024 at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, France.



Lublin, Poland 16 May 2024
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