Co-operation Programmes
The co-operation programmes complement the statutory activities of the Congress, its Chambers and Committees. They provide a link between the recommendations and resolutions adopted at the plenary sessions and the situation on the ground, and are based on political dialogue and the monitoring of the provisions of the European Charter of Local Self-Government.
Due to its expertise and experience in local and regional democracy, the Congress is in a position to provide local and regional authorities, and their associations, with the opportunity and means to acquire new skills and know - how, and to strengthen their institutional capacities.
“Programmes and activities are implemented bilaterally in the framework of the Council of Europe Action Plans for specific member States or within the Council of Europe Policy towards neighbouring regions, and multilaterally in the framework of the Council of Europe Thematic Action Plans, or of specific partnerships such as the European Union's Eastern Partnership, and the Southern Neighbourhood.”
The co-operation programmes and projects of the Congress contribute to the fulfilment of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, in particular to the Sustainable Development Goals 5 (Gender equality), 10 (Reduced inequalities), 11 (Sustainable cities and communities), 16 (Peace, justice and strong institutions) and 17 (Partnership for the goals).
- CG-BUR(2023)54-74 Co-operation activities of the Congress in member States and neighbouring regions
- Co-operation activities of the Congress in member States and neighbouring regions (situation as at 19 March 2023)
- CG(2022)43-22 Co-operation activities of the Congress in member States and neighbouring regions
Open Local Government | A tool for action
The Congress supports local authorities associations in collaboration with their European networks (the CEMR and the AER) and encourages the establishment of various networks.