Education and training

Education for Democracy and Human Rights

EDC/HRE is a set of practices and activities for equipping young people and adults to play an active part in democratic life and exercise their rights and responsibilities in society.
Education for democratic citizenship and human rights aims to give people the knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes that will help them to play an effective role in their community - be it on the local, national or international level.

Higher Education and Research

The aim of the various projects in this programme is to develop language education policies (including reference instruments) for a plurilingual and intercultural education not only in the field of teaching
or learning foreign languages and the languages of schooling, but also for the language education of adult migrants.

Global education

The North-South Centre’s objective as regards global education is to develop, enhance and sustain strategies and capacity-building for global education,
targeting institutions and practitioners in the field of global education in the formal and non-formal sector.

Human rights education with young people

Support the work of youth organisations in developing human rights and democratic citizenship education, peace building and conflict transformation.
Human Rights Education is "...educational programmes and activities that focus on promoting equality in human dignity, in conjunction with other programmes such as those promoting intercultural learning, participation and empowerment of minorities"
Official definition of Human Rights Education for the Council of Europe Youth Programme

Remembrance of the Holocaust

The aim of the programme is to honor the memory of those who have been victims of the Holocaust and to struggle against discrimination of all kind.
Other working fields: Struggle against intolerance
- History: To remember is a way of preventing)
- Culture: To know a culture helps to preserve it)
- Education: Educate to open the spirit of young people.)
- Projects: Undertaking is also preventing.)

Romed training of mediators (ROMED)

The European Training Programme for Roma Mediators (ROMED) aims to reinforce mediators' skills to facilitate communication and cooperation between Roma and public institutions,
especially schools, health services and employment offices.

Education of Roma Children

The project Education of Roma children began in 2002 with the aim to practically implement the Recommendation (2000)4 on the education of Roma/Gypsy children in Europe. The project uses a whole series of approaches – co-ordination,
analysis and evaluation, information and training – to adapt existing programmes to actual needs and make them more effective. The idea is to stimulate national initiatives, help to design and implement new working methods and encourage promising innovations, bearing in mind Roma's specific needs and the measures required to integrate them into the general education system.

History Teaching

History teaching in perspective gives an overview of the changes that affected Europe and the Council of Europe since 1949 and how the instances of the Council of Europe responded to the changes.
Work in the field of history teaching, both in intergovernmental projects or through bilateral and regional cooperation focuses on issues:
- related to the content of history textbooks to eliminate prejudice;
- on the modernisation of teaching programmes and curricula;
- and on teacher training .

Linguistic integration of adult migrants (LIAM)

The integration of migrants and the impact on it of their acquisition of competence in the language(s) of the host country are a focus for political debate and policy initiatives in a growing number of Council of Europe member states,
as is demonstrated by the surveys carried out by the Language Policy Unit in 2008, 2010 and 2013.

Pestalozzi programme

The Pestalozzi Programme is the Council of Europe's training and capacity building programme for education professionals.
The programme is conceived as a means of recognising the importance of education and teacher education in particular in supporting, trainers, teachers and other educational actors in their role as professionals in the increasingly heterogeneous and multicultural societies in which we live.

Plurilingual and intercultural education

The aim of the various projects in this programme is to develop language education policies (including reference instruments) for a plurilingual
and intercultural education not only in the field of teaching/learning foreign languages and the languages of schooling, but also for the language education of adult migrants.