Regional Conference "Stopping Sexual Violence against Children"


Stopping Sexual Violence against Children
Ratifying and implementing the Council of Europe Convention on the Protection of Children
against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse (CETS No. 201)

Zagreb, 27-28 October 2011


Speeches and Presentations



Welcoming speech by Mr Tomislav Ivić, Minister of Family, Veterans' Affairs and Intergenerational Solidarity of the Republic of Croatia

Opening remarks by Ms Maud de Boer-Buquicchio, Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe

Opening remarks by Ms Anica Djamić, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative of Croatia to the Council of Europe, Commitee of Ministers, Thematic Coordinator on Children

Opening remarks by Mr Stefan Schennach, Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe

Opening remarks by Mr Stjepan Adanić, State Secretary at the Ministy of the Family, Veterans' Affairs and Intergenerational Solidarity

Contribution on "The added value, the scope and content of the Lanzarote Convention" by Carlo Chiaromonte, Head of Criminal Law Division, Information Society and Action against Crime Department, Directorate General I - Human Rights and Rule of Law, Council of Europe

Contribution on "Ratification of the Convention: the experience of Serbia (Party to the Lanzarote Convention)" by Ms Nevena Vuckovic Sahovic, Professor of International Law and Family Law at the UNION University in Belgrade, Council of Europe Expert

Contribution on "Measures to prevent sexual offences against children in the Council of Europe Convention" by Mr Marnik Alink, (Legal Advisor, Dutch Ministry of Justice), Council of Europe expert

Contribution on "Child-friendly procedural measures - Council of Europe Guidelines on Child-friendly Justice" by Ms Ankie Vandekerckhove, Children's Rights expert, former Flemish Children's Rights Commissioner and technical expert in the Council of Europe working group on Child Friendly Justice

Closing remarks by Ms Marja Ruotanen, Director of Justice and Human Dignity Directorate, Directorate General I - Human Rights and Rule of Law, Council of Europe

Closing remarks by Mr Zoran Pičuljan, Secretary of State, Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Croatia







Presentation "ONE in FIVE Campaign" by Mr Gordana Berjan, Programme Officer, Programme "Building a Europe for and with children", Children's Rights Division, Directorate General I, Human Rights and Rule of Law, Council of Europe

Presentation "Paving the way to the ratification of the Lanzarote Convention: the experience of Croatia" by Mr Ivan Crnčec, Director in the Criminal Law Directorate of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Croatia

Presentation "Ratification of the Convention: the experience of Serbia(Party to the Convention") by Ms Nevena Vuckovic Sahovic, Professor of International Law and Family Law at the UNION University in Belgrade, Council of Europe Expert

Presentation "Protecting children from sexual violence and exploitation: the case of Greece" by Mr George Nikolaidis, Director, Department of Mental Health & Social Welfare, Centre for the Study and Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect Institute of Child Health (ICH)

Presentation "Investigation and prosecution of sexual exploitation and sexual abuse of children: the example and experience of Denmark" by Mr Lars Lichtenstein, (Deputy Chief Prosecutor, Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, Denmark), Council of Europe Expert.

Presentation "Protection of children from sexual violence on the internet - the relation between the Lanzarote Convention and the Convention on Cybercrime" by Dr. Henrik W.K. Kaspersen, (Chair of the advisory board of the Internet Watchdog foundation against racist and discriminatory expressions on the internet), Council of Europe Expert.

Presentation "Criminalising all forms of sexual exploitation and sexual abuse of children" by Ms Ksenija Turkovic, (Professor of Criminal Law at Zagreb University, member of the working party of the Lanzarote Convention), Council of Europe Expert.

Presentation "The Lanzarote Convention and Criminal Legal Policy on Protection of Children in Republic of Croatia" by Ms Melita Božičević Grbić, Supreme Court Judge, Republic of Croatia (in Croatian)

Presentation "Child-friendly procedural measures - Council of Europe Guidelines on Child-Friendly Justice" by Ms Ankie Vandekerckhove, Children's Rights Expert, former Flemish Children's Rights Commissioner and technical expert in the Council of Europe working group on Child Friendly Justice

Friday 28 October:

Presentation "Child Protection Centre of Zagreb Protection of sexually abused children: from practice to policy" by Ms Gordana Buljan Flander, Ph.D Associate Professor, Director of the Child Protection Centre of Zagreb.

Presentation "Analysis of Indicators and Characteristics of Sexually Abused Children in the Child Protection Centre of Zagreb by Ms Bruna Profaca, Ph.D. Head of Diagnostics and Treatment of the Child Protection Centre of Zagreb.

Presentation " Interventions in the Treatment of Sexually Abused Children and Support to the Non-Abusive Parent" by Ms Gordana Buljan Flander, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Director of the Child Protection Centre of Zagreb

Handout "Co-operation of the Child Protection Centre of Zagreb and Other Institutions in the Prevention and Interventions in Work with Sexually Abused Children - Experts' Experiences