While it is easy to clarify and isolate the typical forms of initiatives for the
ethical finance and the fair trade sector, it is more difficult for the area of
responsible consumption as there are numerous ways to view this vast
field. This analysis will focus on commitments which include the involvement
of citizens in responsible consumption or on important state initiatives
touching responsible consumption, for example concerning the
environment or public procurement. State support for Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) initiatives of enterprises will be mentioned in passing
as they provide only the preconditions for responsible consumption. Due
to the wide scope of application the responsible consumption sector
occupies the highest percentage of the results from the questionnaire.
Responsible consumption initiatives (1) are available in about 72% of the
member states of the Council of Europe, while supporting regulations for
this sector exist in 48% of the member states.
Legal initiatives can be observed in western European countries as well as
in eastern and southern European countries (2) to a lesser extent. They take
place at national, regional and local level. At European Union level many
legal initiatives have also been carried out.
The quality of commitment of the existing legislation for responsible consumption
is described below.
a. Initiatives which recognise the sector of responsible consumption
In this category different communications are available that pick out
responsible consumption as a central theme and express the need to support
the sector. They can be found in declarations and initiatives of different
public authority organs (3) or legislative proposals
(4), mostly at national
level. The British Government’s Organic Action Plan encourages public procurement
of locally-produced organic food. The Federal Plan for Sustainable
Development 2000-2004 in Belgium sets out concrete, detailed aims
with targets to achieve within a certain time to further the sector. Thus in
2003 the purchase of nutrition by public administrations was scheduled to
account for 4% of the market for organic products and 4% for products
which have been produced in a “socially responsible” way.
The European Union has expressed in many different documents the
need to support and develop the sector of responsible consumption,
most recently in the Consumer Policy Strategy 2002-2006 (5).
b. Regulations which provide legal support for the responsible
consumption sector
At this level of legislation states have decided to actively support the sector.
They do this by providing fiscal advantages, “responsible” labels,
favourable legal frameworks for “sustainable” public procurement or by
providing financial or other support for the sector.
Fiscal advantages exist, for example at national level in the Netherlands,
where organic farmers and producers of organic products, who obtain at
least 70% of their turnover selling organic products, can deduct up to
€ 10,227 from their income taxes. Furthermore, many states have established
at national and regional level different public “responsible” labels
to further the sector. They concern to a large extent the environment
but also different social conditions (7).
Legal frameworks which favour “sustainable public procurement” exist,
for example, at local, regional or national level in Austria, Belgium, Germany,
(8) Poland, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. Most of the laws
take into account social, ecological, environmental or socio-political
aspects in one way or another. Belgium provides a website (9) for public
authorities to help them choose sustainable products and to advise them
how to formulate the tender. The new public procurement law of Poland
promotes ethical and fair solutions. Switzerland is known for advanced
initiatives for green procurement (10). The first annual report (2002) of a
cross-government sustainable procurement group in the United Kingdom
has recently recommended some positive changes to support sustainable
procurement. This includes an explicit policy commitment to pursue sustainable
procurement or guidelines to government departments making
clear the approach of value for money within sustainable procurement.
Germany may be seen as advanced as it provides initiatives at local,
regional and national levels. Furthermore, it provides public authorities
with a handbook on green public procurement and a website (11) to promote
sustainable procurement.
Financial support comes from local, regional and national public authorities
and is directed, amongst others, to the following purposes: subsidies
at national, regional and local level for the organisational and structural
development of CSAs and AMAPs (12), for example in the Provence region
in France, in Belgium, Denmark, Germany and the United Kingdom; support
for the promotion of local and organic food at regional and national
level (13); national grants for campaigns on fair tourism or the Clean
Clothes Campaign (14); support for organic farmers or for the conversion to
organic production (15); support for CSR initiatives or the promotion of
labour and social standards (16); support for the development and promotion
of voluntary labels in Switzerland or the promotion of consumer
schools in, for example, Belgium.
Other support includes providing training for farmers who want to adopt
the CSA model or state organised conferences on CSR (both in Belgium);
the establishment of working groups for sustainable consumption or a
council for sustainable development (the Czech Republic, Germany); the
documentation of ethical labour practices of businesses (Denmark); an
initiative which promotes sustainable consumption practices among the
general public (17); a legislative project for the promotion of sustainable
agriculture (18) and a law concerning land-use regulation
(19) which reserves a
certain surface of land for agriculture (both in Switzerland).
European Union support for the sector can also be found in different
legal initiatives such as European labels (20), directives which forbid misleading
advertising (21), and communications which promote core labour
standards and social governance (22). Furthermore, the European Union
provides financial support for awareness-raising campaigns, for research
and for the improvement of the structure of networks. Some legislation
and European Court decisions (23) allow better integration of environmental
and social aspects into public procurement procedures.
c. Commitment of public authorities to the sector of responsible consumption
The last class comprises local and national decisions through which different
public authorities show that they are engaged in the sector of responsible
consumption. Below are some examples of this.
Germany’s commitment includes not only environmental but also social
aspects for public procurement. Thus the Munich City Council decided
(24) that certain products, for example orange juice and carpets, should be
tendered for with respect to the ILO Convention 182 against child labour.
Since 2002 the City Council of Düsseldorf only buys service clothing for
the fire department which has been produced under conditions which
respect international labour law standards. Germany’s Federal Environmental
Agency (Umweltbundesamt) was the first public institution which
was certified according to the EU Eco-Management and Audit Scheme
(EMAS II), enabling an evaluation of their environmental performance. A
commitment of public authorities to responsible consumption can be
also seen in the organisation of international conferences for the training
of public authorities for sustainable consumption. An example of this
was an international meeting for mayors on renewable energies that was
held in May 2004 in Germany. Likewise, the European Congress for
Local Authority Environmental Officers, held in July 2004 in Germany,
helped to increase the commitment of local authorities to responsible
At European level, the involvement of eighteen European local authorities (25)
can be found in the Procura+ initiative which aims to establish a
united campaign for fair and environmentally sound public procurement.
The European Union recently committed itself by participating in EMAS
which provides a management tool to evaluate its environmental
From Esther Petridis, Trends in Social Cohesion n°12,
"Ethical, solidarity-based citizen
involvement in the economy :
a prerequisite for social cohesion", Council of Europe publishing,
2004, pp. 99/104
1) They comprise for example contracts of
consumer groups with “responsible” farmers, responsible tourism, public consumer
schools, public “responsible” labels (e.g. social, environmental) for products
or companies, organic, ecological agriculture initiatives, actions against
misleading advertising, CSR of enterprises, establishment of different organs
for sustainable consumption or the development of sustainable policies, consumer
activities against genetically modified products, introduction of “ethical
principles” into public procurement or the promotion of sustainable consumption
practices within the general public. 2)For example in Bulgaria,
Croatia, the Czech Republic or Poland. Croatia: public environmentally friendly
label; the Czech Republic: law concerning the support of the development of
sales and the utilisation of ecological products; Poland: Act on Public
Procurement supplies and works, Act on ecological, organic farming. 3)Austria: National Strategy on Sustainable Development;
Belgium: Federal Plan for Sustainable Development 2000-2004; Germany: Report of
an Enquete-Commission on responsible
consumption; the Netherlands: parliamentary request concerning a sustainable purchase
policy; Spain: strategic plan for consumer protection; Strategy of Sustainable
Development; Switzerland: Motion No. 02.3519 for an ethical certificate for enterprises; the
United Kingdom: strategy for sustainable development; framework for sustainable consumption
and production. 4) Examples: the Draft Agro-Ecological Programme
in Bulgaria, which designs different financial advantages for agriculture
producers in order to encourage them to keep applying agricultural practices
aiming at the preservation of the environment; law proposal concerning the
prohibition of GMO in the Canton Tessin in Geneva in Switzerland; the law project
concerning the prohibition of misleading advertising with regard to social conditions of production
in Belgium. 5)Consumer Policy Strategy
2002-2006 – Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the
Council, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions,
COM(2002) 208 final; documents which welcome the different social labelling
initiatives or point out the possibility of adopting a social label at European
level (EP); Green Paper of the European Commission (2001) which proposed with
trade unions and NGOs the introduction of a label for the social responsibility
of enterprises; Proposal for an EU
Action Plan, 12.2.2004: promotes measures for sustainability (also for public procurement). 6) For example labels for ecologically produced
products, for products and services which are less damaging to the environment
or for environmentally sound tourism or for environmentally sound clothing
(Austria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands,
Poland, Scandinavia [Finland, Norway, Sweden], Switzerland or the United
Kingdom). 7) Belgium Social Label, the Danish Social Index,
Ireland with its label for human resource development or the Italian “lavoro etico“ social quality label. 8)The Ministerialblatt for the Federal State Nordrhein-Westfalen, No. 31 (9.5.1985)
furthers for example the observance of products with environmental labels in the public
procurement process. Regulations for green public procurement can be found also in the law
for the promotion of recycling management and safeguard of environmentally friendly waste
disposal. Many German towns and cities have their own guidelines and criteria for environmentally
friendly procurement. 9) See website: www.guidedesachatsdurables.be 10) See website:
www.buwal.ch 11) See website:
www.beschaffung-info.de 12) Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) and
Association pour le Maintien de l’Agriculture
Paysanne (AMAP) stand for the promotion of contracts between consumer groups and
farmers. 13) The region of Toscana (legge regionale No. 11/2002) promotes the consumption of agricultural,
biological products in canteens and messes of public schools, universities and hospitals
to further health. The United Kingdom (Scotland) has funded (63,5 million pounds sterling)
a programme of school meal reform which is targeted to provide local organic food. 14) Liechtenstein has provided grants for the
NGO “Arbeitskreis Tourismus und Entwicklung”;
an intermediate monitoring project of the Clean Clothes Campaign is supported and
co-financed by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs. 15)In Switzerland organic farming is promoted with direct
payments to Swiss farmers and marketing contributions for the promotion of
organic products on the Swiss market. In the Netherlands the “Regeling stimulering biologische productiemethode” provides financial
support during the conversion transition period of two years. 16)Development of an CSR
Index in the Netherlands; grants by regional public authorities for businesses
willing to implement CSR; Switzerland funds projects which help firms to adapt
their labour conditions to internationally accepted ILO labour and social standards. 17)See website:
www.nachhaltigkeitsrat.de 18)Regulation of the
Grand Conseil of the Republic and the canton of Geneva, PL 9122, M
1474-A, which favours sustainable agriculture taking into account, for example, social and
environmental aspects, biodiversity (in force: 1.1.2005). 19) Law concerning land-use regulation, 22.6.1979, FF 1996 FIII, 485, RS 700, RO 2000
2042; Decree concerning land use-regulation (27.6.2000, 700.1). 20) The EU environmental label, symbolised by a flower, for 21 different categories (e.g.
washing machines, textiles, tourist accommodation): Council Regulation EEC 880/92, and
the EU-Oeko-Regulation for ecologically produced products – 2092/1991 and 1804/1999.
21) Council Directive 84/450/EEC (10.9.1984).
22) COM (2001) 416.
23)Directive Public Procurement, EP 2.12.2003, Commission May 2000 (IP/00/461); allows
national authorities to use appropriate and objective environmental and social criteria transparently
for the public good without creating scope for arbitrary and unfair contract awards
based on issues unconnected with the works or services to be provided; directive on the coordination
of procedures for the award of public works contracts, public supply and service
contracts 2004/18/EC; EC COM(2001)274 “green procurement”; European Court Decision
C-513/99; European Court Decision c-225/98 (26/9/2000). 24) Resolution of the Munich Council administration and staff board (17.7.2002).
25)Amongst them the town of Ravensburg in Germany; see website:
26) Since 2001 EMAS has been open to all economic sectors including public and private
services (Regulation [EC] No. 761/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council
of 19 March 2001).