Erica Terpstra

Erica Terpstra - President of the Netherlands Olympic Committee*Netherlands Sports Confederation

"I support the Council of Europe's campaign against discrimination because every human being counts and nobody, for any reason deserves to be left out! Sport connects people and sport is colour blind! This should always be the purpose of sport. So, welcome to all!"

Erica Terpstra has joined forces with the Council of Europe in the fight against discrimination.

Terpstra, former olympic swimming champion, sports journalist, was a member of parliament from 1977 until 2003, including a term as Secretary of state for Sport, Health and Welfare. Erica Terpstra has always worked to protect minority groups within society. Amongst other things, she headed the ‘European Year Against Discrimination’, opened the first ever Gay Games, held in Amsterdam in 1998 and made a stand against age-discrimination by companies and organisations in the Netherlands.

Since she was appointed president of the Netherlands Olympic Committee*Netherlands Sports Confederation in 2003, Erica Terpstra has used her influence and position to involve all members of Dutch society in sports and promote a tolerant and equal environment in sports associations around the country.