Livre blanc sur le dialogue Interculturel

White Paper on Intercultural Dialogue (2008)
The White Paper provides various orientations for the promotion of intercultural dialogue, mutual respect and understanding, based on the core values of the Organisation. The Ministers welcomed it as a “significant pan-European contribution to an international discussion steadily gaining momentum” as well as to the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue.

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Livre blanc sur le dialogue Interculturel

Committed to Making a Difference: Racism, antisemitism, xenophobia and intolerance and their impact on young people in Europe (Symposium report) (2008)
From 26th to 30th October 2005, the European Youth Centres in Budapest and Strasbourg organised a symposium in Strasbourg under the headline "all different - all equal". The symposium celebrated the 10th anniversary of the European Youth Campaign against racism, antisemitism, xenophobia and intolerance by marking its continuation and restart.

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Livre blanc sur le dialogue Interculturel

The politics of diversity in Europe (2008)
Diversity” has become a key term in contemporary social politics. The essays collected here are developed from a research seminar entitled "Diversity, Human Rights and Participation" organised by the Partnership on Youth between the Council of Europe and the European Commission. The studies gathered here are embedded in 10 different national contexts. They track dimensions of 'diversity' in education, social services, jurisprudence, parliamentary proceedings and employment initiatives, and assess their significances for the social actors who must negotiate these frameworks in their daily experience.

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Manuel sur le discours de la haine

Manual on hate speech (2009)
On the basis of all the applicable texts on freedom of expression and the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights and other bodies, the author identifies certain parameters that make it possible to distinguish expressions which, although sometimes insulting, are fully protected by the right to freedom of expression from those which do not enjoy that protection.

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Des Dieux dans la ville

Gods in the city - Intercultural and inter-religious dialogue at local level (2008)
Clearly, "God is changing in Europe": religious faiths and beliefs are increasingly making their presence felt in the public arena, at all levels. Because religions are more and more often behind the forging and assertion of multiple identities, the authorities have a duty to take the utmost account of them when establishing democratic rules and arrangements for "living together".

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Des Dieux dans la ville

Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue in Youth Work (Symposium Report) (2008)
The Symposium “Intercultural and interreligious dialogue in youth work practice” was held in Istanbul from 27 to 31 March 2007. It focused on the problems young people across Europe face in relation to cultural and religious diversity. The participants exchanged good practice in youth work and agreed on a Declaration that sets out the main purpose and objectives in intercultural interreligious from a youth perspective.

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Compagnon - Guide d'action pédagogique pour la diversité

Companion - A campaign guide about education and learning for change in Diversity, Human Rights and Participation (2007)
This guide has been produced under the Council of Europe's Youth Campaign for Diversity, Human Rights, and Participation “All Different- All Equal”. The campaign provides an essential stimulus for common action to promote diversity, participation and human rights. It seeks to bring attention both to the issues themselves and the methods used to address them. Such mobilisation is vital if we wish to establish strong public awareness throughout Europe of these values.

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L'Europe des droits - la liberté de religion

Europeans and their rights - Freedom of religion (2007)
Using concrete examples, the author compares and analyses the protection of the right to freedom of religion in the case-law of European constitutional courts and of the European Court of Human Rights of the Council of Europe, in order to establish whether there is such a thing as general European law in this sphere.

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Religious diversity and intercultural education: a reference book for schools (2007)
This reference book is intended to help teachers, teacher administrators, policy makers and others deal with the important issue of religious diversity in Europe's schools. The religious dimension of intercultural education is an issue that affects all schools, whether they are religiously diverse or not, because their pupils live and will work in increasingly diverse societies.

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Differing diversities - Eastern European perspectives (2006)
Cultural diversity, in all its forms, is posing a profound challenge to traditional formulations of cultural policy and to our understanding of the public interests served by this policy. In most countries the artistic and cultural landscape has not evolved to reflect the realities of a changed social landscape. This rift threatens to undermine the legitimacy of cultural institutions and the public policy that supports them. The shift from homogeneity to diversity as the new social norm requires a rethinking of the processes, mechanisms and relationships necessary for democratic policy development in diverse societies.

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Non-discrimination: a human right - Proceedings, Seminar marking the entry into force of Protocol No. 12 to the European Convention on Human Rights, Strasbourg, October 2005 (2006)
These proceedings will be of interest to all those who follow the developments of human rights protection in Europe, particularly government representatives, legal profesionals, researchers and NGOs.

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Domino - A manual to use peer group education as a means to fight racism, xenophobia, anti-semitism and intolerance (Third edition) (2005)
Domino tries to give some assistance to those working or planning to work with young people on peer group education projects.
The different sections of Domino contain some theoretical background on peer group education as well as different project descriptions, methods, quotes and stories from young people. The references to resources used have been put in brackets and the sources can be found in the bibliography at the end of this publication.

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Islamophobia and its consequences on Young People (2005)
Islamophobia can be defined as the fear of or prejudiced viewpoint towards Islam, Muslims and matters pertaining to them. Whether it takes the shape of daily forms of racism and discrimination or more violent forms, Islamophobia is a violation of human rights and a threat to social cohesion.

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Europe versus intolerance (Proceedings, Strasbourg, 3-4 March 1994)
Crisis of civilisation? Identity crisis? Crisis in European humanist values? Crisis of the state? Economic crisis? ... The seminar "Europe versus intolerance" surely raised more questions than it answered on an issue that human beings are constantly wondering about. The alarming accounts of the rise of exclusion and violence everywhere in Europe nevertheless made it possible to realise the urgency of the fight against intolerance which should be based on the following fundamental principles: the strengthening of democracy and human rights, the acceptance of the diversity of identities, the essential role played by education and the responsibility of the media.

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Roma, Gypsies, Travellers (1998)
This book provides an understanding of Gypsies and Travellers by introducing the reader to the richness of their culture and lifestyle.

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