Discrimination against media and journalists

Europe versus intolerance (Proceedings, Strasbourg, 3-4 March 1994)
Companion - A campaign guide about education and learning for change in Diversity, Human Rights and Participation (2007)

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Reference Texts

Rec(97)21E/30 October 1997 on the media and the promotion of a culture of tolerance
Rec(2007)2E/31 January 2007 on media pluralism and diversity of media content
CM/Rec(97)19E/30 October 1997 on the portrayal of violence in the electronic media
Recommendation 1789 (2007) on professional education and training of journalists
Recommendation 1783 (2007) on threats to the lives and freedom of expression of journalists
Recommendation 1799 (2007) on the image of women in advertising
Recommendation 1773 (2006) on guidelines on the use of minority languages in the broadcast media 
Recommendation 1768 (2006) on the image of asylum-seekers, migrants and refugees in the media
Recommendation 1706 (2005) on media and terrorism
Recommendation 1674 (2004) on the challenges facing the European audiovisual sector
Recommendation 1641 (2004) on public service broadcasting
Recommendation 1589 (2003) on freedom of expression in the media
Recommendation 1555 (2002) on the image of women in the media
Recommendation 1506 (2001) on  freedom of expression and information in the media in Europe.
Recommendation 1543 (2001) on racism and xenophobia in cyberspace
Recommendation 1277 (1995) on migrants, ethnic minorities and media
Recommendation 1215 (1993) on the ethics of journalism
Resolution 1003 (1993) on the ethics of journalism
Viewpoint: “Media diversity: a core element of true democracy”

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Sunny Hundal- Editor, Asians In Media (UK)
Nadia Bellardi - Community Media Forum Europe (Switzerland)
Alexandros Koronakis - Editor of New Europe (Belgium)
Kathleen De Ridder - Coordinator of 'TrefMedia' Meeting Point for Media in Diversity (Belgium)
Paul Deal, BBC Journalism Recruitment Project (UK)
Henry Bonsu - Colourful Radio Director (UK)
William Horsley - Association of European Journalists
Paul Deal, BBC Journalism Recruitment Project (UK)
Barbara Blake Hannah Film-maker (Jamaica)

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Free Expression And Multiculturalism
Media perspectives: Intercultural dialogue and the fight against discrimination
Communicating Anti-Racism

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