IV. What is the proportion of judges
and prosecutors who are full- time / part-time
instructors and/or members of the management?
V. If persons other than judges or
prosecutors fulfill the task of trainers, what are
their original profession? Please also give details
on their proportion;
VI. Are retired judges and
prosecutors or other retired law practitioners
invited to act as trainers or members of the
VII. What choice has been done
between full-time instructors, part-time instructors
or occasional instructors that furthermore have
judicial functions?
VIII. If judges or prosecutors are
part-time or occasional trainers, is the burden of
their work within their jurisdiction alleviated?
IX. Please specify the modalities of
the training of trainers who perform their training
mission –full-time or part-time- within the
framework of the training institution(s) or in
Courts (content, educational methods, duration,
periodicity, etc…);
Is training of trainers compulsory?
X. Please specify what initiatives
are taken to assure vicinity between trainers and
trainees at regional and local level as well as to
develop communication (including through the
XI. Please specify what initiatives
are taken to assure participation of the training
institution in international co-operation in the
field of training (exchanges between training
institutions, periodicity of these exchanges,
organisation of / participation. in international
seminars, co-operation with International
Organisations / Institutions (Council of Europe, the
European Commission, etc…)).