welcoming slide, Council of Europe team with Botkyrka’s mayor and ICC coordinator

welcoming slide, Council of Europe team with Botkyrka’s mayor and ICC coordinator

On 17-18 September 2024, experts from the Council of Europe’s Intercultural Cities (ICC) Programme are visiting Botkyrka, Sweden.

A member of the Council of Europe Secretariat and an independent ICC expert are meeting the Mayor, city officials, representatives of the municipality, and a wide range of local stakeholders active in different areas related to intercultural inclusion, in order to review and discuss the city's strengths and needs in relation to intercultural inclusion policies and governance.

The programme of the visit includes a presentation of the Council of Europe’s intercultural integration model to representatives of public authorities and civil society, and meetings with organisations and individuals working on education, communication, culture and empowerment, as well as the local antidiscrimination office.

The visit will result in a report drawing up the “intercultural profile” of the city and providing tailor-made recommendations as a basis for subsequent work.

Botkyrka joined the Intercultural Cities (ICC) Programme in 2012, and has contributed many good practices to the work of the network.


Strasbourg 17 September 2024
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Zurück Home stretch for the Portuguese Network of Intercultural Cities before ending a great year!

Home stretch for the Portuguese Network of Intercultural Cities before ending a great year!

After holding its 17th Coordination meeting, the Portuguese Network of Intercultural Cities (RPCI) is ready for the next two events: a webinar on inclusion influencers, and a special session on inclusive employers

The Portuguese network of Intercultural Cities held its 17th Coordination meeting on 21st October to celebrate - with member cities - the setting up of the RPCI Cooperative. This new legal entity is meant to facilitate the coordination of the work of the Network. During the meeting, member cities further discussed the interim results of the two main actions under implementation this year: the Inclusive recruitment project, and the Inclusion influencers pilot action.

On 18th November 2021, a webinar will present the pilot action “Inclusion influencers”, a project designed and implemented with the support of the ICC programme, to promote awareness about the benefits of migrants and other minorities inclusion among youth and children by using social media channels.

The pilot project included actions aimed to:

  • Assess the main social beliefs that pose barriers to inclusion;
  • Develop content and social media products to tackle those barriers, using the antirumours methodology;
  • Engage with youth activists and local influencers;
  • Empowering teachers to use the project’s products with children and youth.

The webinar will present the social media products created to reach young people and address (in a positive way) several myths and rumours about migrants in Portugal.

On 19th November it will be the turn of the “Inclusive recruitment project” project to present its final results and deliverables. Financed through an inter-city grant awarded by the Intercultural Cities programme, the Inclusive recruitment project has been developed by Oeiras, Loures and Amadora to encourage Portuguese employers hiring migrants and newcomers, benefitting from the advantage of diversity, and to increase capacities in the area of business and diversity by making available reliable information and training for employers. Among the main deliverables, the project produced a guide for inclusive employers, developed with the employers themselves and the High Commision for Migrations.

 Report of the 17th RPCI Coordination meeting

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