Назад The Inclusive Anchors Network

In Leeds (United Kingdom), a group of the thirteen largest (primarily) public sector employers, including the city council, local universities and Yorkshire Water, have formed the Inclusive Anchors Network, with a focus on driving inclusive growth across the city. As part of this, in partnership with the Open Data Institute Leeds, six of these organisations publish regular data on the diversity of their workforce on a publicly available dashboard, enabling employees, service users and members of the public to hold them to account on their diversity commitments. In addition, the local council has collaborated with the organisations Diverse and Equal and Wild Digital and convened the support of a wide range of local digital businesses, to conduct research and develop recommendations to increase diversity in the technology sector. The benefit of this is founded on the understanding that more diversity will lead to greater innovation and growth (the diversity advantage). The recommendations stress the importance of structural change within businesses to improve inclusivity and reduce bias, both in terms of recruitment and management decision-making.

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