Group of Experts on the Conservation of Amphibians and Reptiles (including marine turtles)
Particular attention has been given to the conservation of marine turtles, a species which has been the focus of numerous case files under the Bern Convention. At the 43rd Standing Committee, in order to help solve existing turtle case-files and prevent new ones, a Guidance Tool for governments and relavant stakeholders on Conservation of sea turtles nesting sites was adopted.
(Photo credit: Markus Haslinger)
11th Meeting of the Group of Experts on Amphibians & Reptiles
9th Meeting of the Group of Experts on the Conservation of Amphibians and Reptiles
Reports of previous meetings
Recommendations and Resolutions
- All Recommendations related to the conservation of amphibians and reptiles (including marine turtles):
- Recommendation No. 226 (2024) of the Standing Committee, adopted on 6th December 2024, on Mersin Anamur Beach (also available in French and Turkish)
- Recommendation No.191 (2016) on the conservation of the Akamas peninsula and the sea turtle nesting beaches of Chrysochou Bay (Cyprus)
- Recommendation No.189 (2016) on the control of the American mink in Europe
- Recommendation No. 183 (2015) on the conservation, management, and restoration of Fethiye nesting beaches (Turkey)
- Recommendation No. 182 (2015) on the conservation of Caretta caretta and its habitat at Patara (Turkey)
- Recommendation No. 176 (2015) on the prevention and control of the Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans chytrid fungu
- Recommendation No. 175 (2015) on the monitoring of the agreement concluded in the frame of complaint n°2013/5 (Lithuania)
- Recommendation No. 174 (2014) on the conservation of the loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) and of sand dunes and other coastal habitats in Southern Kyparissia bay (NATURA 2000 – GR 2550005 “Thines Kyparissias”, Peloponnesos, Greece)
- Recommendation No. 153 (2011) on the Charter on the Conservation and Sustainable use of Biological Diversity on European Islands
- Recommendation No. 152 (2011) on Marine Biodiversity and Climate Change
- Recommendation No. 151 (2010) of the Standing Committee, adopted on 9 December 2010, on protection of the Hermann tortoise (Testudo hermanni) in the Massif des Maures and Plaine des Maures localities (Var) in France
- Recommendation No. 146 (2010) of the Standing Committee, adopted on 9 December 2010, on guidance for Parties on biodiversity and climate change in European islands
- Recommendation No. 145 (2010) of the Standing Committee adopted on 9 December 2010, on guidance for Parties on biodiversity and climate change in mountain regions
- Recommendation No. 139 (2009) of the Standing Committee, adopted on 26 November 2009, on the control of the racoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) in Europe
- Recommendation No. 135 (2008) of the Standing Committee, adopted on 27 November 2008, on addressing the impacts of climate change on biodiversity
- Recommendation No. 131 (2007) of the Standing Committee on the Planned Motorway Vc across the Drava Marshlands in Slavonia (Croatia), adopted by the Standing Committee on 29 November 2007
- Recommendation No. 125 (2007) of the Standing Committee on trade in invasive and potentially invasive alien species in Europe, adopted by the Standing Committee on 29 November 2007
- Recommendation No. 119 (2006) of the Standing Committee on the conservation of certain endangered species of amphibians and reptiles in Europe, adopted by the Standing Committee on 30 November 2006
- Recommendation No. 118 (2005) of the Standing Committee on protection of the Hermann tortoise (Testudo hermanni) in the Massif des Maures and Plaine des Maures localities (Var), France, adopted by the Standing Committee on 1 December 2005
- Recommendation No. 106 (2003) on the conservation of the Aesculapian snake Elaphe longissima, adopted by the Standing Committee on 4 December 2003
- Recommendation No. 105 (2003) on the conservation of the Nile soft-shelled turtle Trionyx triunguis in Turkey, adopted by the Standing Committee on 4 December 2003
- Recommendation No. 104 (2003) on the conservation of the Spur-thighed tortoise Testudo graeca graeca in Spain, adopted by the Standing Committee on 4 December 2003)
- Recommendation No. 95 (2002) on the conservation of marine turtles in Kazanli beach (Turkey), adopted by the Standing Committee on 5 December 2002
- Recommendation No. 77 (1999) on the eradication of non-native terrestrial vertebrates, adopted by the Standing Committee on 3 December 1999
- Recommendation No. 70 (1998) on the conservation of the great crested newt Triturus cristatus in Orton Brick Pits (United Kingdom), adopted by the Standing Committee on 4 December 1998
- Recommendation No. 66 (1998) on the conservation status of some nesting beaches for marine turtles in Turkey, adopted by the Standing Committee on 4 December 1998
- Recommendation No. 64 (1997) on the conservation of Caretta caretta in Kaminia (Cephalonia, Greece), adopted by the Standing Committee on 5 December 1997
- Recommendation No. 63 (1997) on the conservation of the Akamas peninsula, Cyprus, and, in particular, of the nesting beaches of Caretta caretta and Chelonia mydas, adopted by the Standing Committee on 5 December 1997
- Recommendation No. 54 (1996) on conservation of Caretta caretta at Patara (Turkey), adopted by the Standing Committee on 6 December 1996
- Recommendation No. 53 (1996) on the conservation of the European otter (Lutra lutra), adopted by the Standing Committee on 6 December 1996
- Recommendation No. 42 (1993) on the conservation of some threatened amphibians and reptiles in the area of Gulf of Orosei, Sardinia (Italy), adopted by the Standing Committee on 3 December 1993
- Recommendation No. 33 (1991) on the conservation of the natterjack toad (Bufo calamita) in Ireland, adopted by the Standing Committee on 6 December 1991
- Recommendation No. 27 (1991) on the conservation of some threatened amphibians in Europe, adopted by the Standing Committee on 6 December 1991
- Recommendation No. 26 (1991) on the conservation of some threatened reptiles in Europe, adopted by the Standing Committee on 6 December 1991
- Recommendation No. 25 (1991) on the conservation of natural areas outside protected areas proper, adopted by the Standing Committee on 6 December 1991
- Recommendation No. 24 (1991) on the protection of some beaches in Turkey of particular importance to marine turtles, adopted by the Standing Committee on 11 January 1991
- Recommendation No. 23 (1991) on the protection of the habitat of Vipera ursinii rakosiensis in Hungary, adopted by the Standing Committee on 11 January 1991
- Recommendation No. 18 (1989) of the standing committee on the protection of indigenous crayfish in Europe, adopted by the Standing Committee on 8 December 1989
- Recommendation No. 13 (1988) of the standing committee concerning measures for the protection of critical biotopes of endangered amphibians and reptiles (Adopted by the Standing Committee on 9 December 1988)
- Recommendation No. 12 (1988) of the standing committee concerning the protection of important turtle nesting beaches in Turkey (Adopted by the Standing Committee on 9 December 1988)
- Recommendation No. 9 (1987) of the standing committee on the protection of Caretta Caretta in Laganas bay, Zakynthos (Greece) (Adopted by the Standing Committee on 11 December 1987)
- Recommendation n° 8 (1987) of the standing committee on the protection of marine turtles in Dalyan and other important areas in Turkey (Adopted by the Standing Committee on 11 December 1987)
- Recommendation n° 7 (1987) of the standing committee on the protection of marine turtles and their habitat (Adopted by the Standing Committee on 11 December 1987)
- Resolution (78) 22 of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on threatened amphibians and reptiles in Europe
Action plans & Guidance tools
- Conservation of sea turtles nesting sites: a guidance tool - T-PVS(2023)30 (also available in French, Greek and Turkish)
- Action Plan Sand Lizard
- Action Plan Aesculapian Snake
- Action Plan Meadow Viper
Working documents
Other Documents
- Wetlands of International Importance for the protection of marine turtles: expert report (Ramsar Convention, 2nd edition)

- On Conservation of Amphibians and Reptiles - marine turtles
- On Conservation of Plants
- On Conservation of Birds
- On Conservation of Invertebrates
- On Protected Areas and Ecological Networks
- On Invasive Alien Species
- On Conservation of Large Carnivores
- On Biodiversity and Climate Change
- On European Island Biological Diversity