The funding history listed on this page corresponds to the decisions taken by the Board of Management during its plenary meetings. This list does not take into consideration possible total or partial cancellations of certain amounts awarded in the cases provided for in the regulations of the relevant support programme.

 Distribution support 2013 to March 2020

Initially, the distribution support programme that came into effect in April 2013 consisted of two schemes:

  • Scheme I - Support for the “marketing and advertising costs” of eligible films carried by distributors selected by Eurimages. The objective of the scheme I was to support the distribution of European films, strengthen the image of European cinema and increase its audience.
  • Scheme II - Support for “measures for fostering awareness of European cinema” to support innovative projects aimed at strengthening the image of European cinema, developing its knowledge and increasing its audience.

While Scheme I was in force until the suspension of the programme in March 2020, Scheme II was discontinued as of 31 December 2015.

 Distribution support before 2011

Click on the year to see the list

2011 >>

Films supported: 116 (total amount: 645 389 €)

2010 >>

Films supported: 161 (total amount: 883 550 €)

2009 >>

Films supported: 169 (total amount: 865 900 €)

2008 >>

Films supported: 149 (total amount: 853 786 €)

2007 >>

Films supported: 146 (total amount: 935 810 €)

2006 >>

Films supported: 143 (total amount: 819 300 €)

2005 >>

Films supported: 152 (total amount: 837 670 €)

2004 >>

Films supported: 138 (total amount: 894 791 €)

2003 >>

Films supported: 106 (total amount: 646 197 €)

2002 >>

Films supported: 106 (total amount: 648 078 €)

2001 >>

Films supported: 94 (total amount: 737 269 €)

2000 >>

Films supported: 115 (total amount: 832 494 €)

1999 >>

Films supported: 141 (total amount: 637 170 €)

1998 >>

Films supported: 133 (total amount: 778 224 €)

1997 >>

Films supported: 90 (total amount: 484 777 €)

1996 >>

Films supported: 99 (total amount: 621 434 €)

1995 >>

Films supported: 50 (total amount: 399 902 €)

1994 >>

Films supported: 29 (total amount: 166 883 €)

1993 >>

Films supported: 19 (total amount: 69 377 €)

1992 >>

Films supported: 19 (total amount: 225 145 €)

1991 >>

Films supported: 13 (total amount: 75 607 €)

1990 >>

Films supported: 6 (total amount: 169 132 €)