Evaluation by round
VI. Sixth Evaluation Round
Themes examined: Preventing corruption and promoting integrity at the sub-national level
- Constitutional and legislative framework, territorial structure and distribution of competencies
- Applicability of national anti-corruption and integrity policies and/or strategies to sub-national authorities
- Implementation of national anti-corruption and integrity legislation by sub-national authorities
- Statistics on corruption offences at subnational level
Sub-national authorities
- Institutional framework
- Anti-corruption and integrity policies and risk assessment(s)
- Standards of conduct and ethics
- Conflicts of interest
- Incompatibilities, prohibition or restriction of certain activities
- Declarations of assets, income, liabilities and interests
- Transparency, access to information, public participation
- Control mechanisms, oversight and accountability
- Disclosure of corruption and integrity violations, whistleblower protection
- Enforcement and sanctions
V. Fifth Evaluation Round
Launched on 20 March 2017
Themes examined:
Preventing corruption and promoting integrity in central governments (top executive functions) and law enforcement agencies
- ethical principles and rules of conduct
- conflict of interest
- prohibition or restriction of certain activities
- declaration of assets, income, liabilities and interests
- enforcement of the rules regarding conflicts of interest
- awareness
Table on Evaluation and Compliance Reports
Guidelines / time schedule for the organisation of evaluation visits
IV. Fourth Evaluation Round
Launched on 1st January 2012
Themes examined:
Prevention of corruption in respect of members of parliament, judges and prosecutors
- ethical principles and rules of conduct
- conflict of interest
- prohibition or restriction of certain activities
- declaration of assets, income, liabilities and interests
- enforcement of the rules regarding conflicts of interest
- awareness
III. Third Evaluation Round
Launched on 1st January 2007
Themes examined:
- incriminations provided for in the Criminal Law Convention on Corruption (ETS 173), its Additional Protocol (ETS 191) and Guiding Principle 2 (GPC 2)
- transparency of Party Funding with reference to the Recommendation of the Committee of Ministers to member states on common rules against corruption in the funding of political parties and electoral campaigns (Rec (2003) 4)
Table on evaluation and Compliance Reports
Questionnaire (Theme I: Incriminations)
Questionnaire (Theme II: Party funding)
II. Second Evaluation Round
Launched on 1st January 2003
Themes examined:
- identification, seizure and confiscation of corruption proceeds
- public administration and corruption (auditing systems; conflicts of interest)
- prevention of legal persons being used as shields for corruption
- tax and financial legislation to counter corruption
- links between corruption, organised crime and money laundering
I. First Evaluation Round
Launched on 1st January 2000
Themes examined:
- independence, specialisation and means available to national bodies engaged in the prevention and fight against corruption
- extent and scope of immunities
Evaluation by country
Web resources
National Anti-Corruption Authorities
European and International organisations
Non-governmental organisations
Research Institutes and Centres
Anti-corruption platform (PACE)
Elections: the Council of Europe’s role
Action against economic crime (Council of Europe)
Events (Council of Europe)