National Action Plan


2016 - 2020 Germany

View the National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights Development Main Coordinating Authority Federal Foreign Office Drafting Process Timeframe: The drafting process commenced in 2014 and over the course of two years priority issues were identified and discussed through a series of...

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Implementing Actions

Brochure on the responsibility of business enterprises for human rights violations: Access to justice and the courts

2020 Germany

The German Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection has published a brochure to inform on when and how persons affected by business related human rights violations can turn to German courts to hold companies accountable.

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Cooperation with National Human Rights Institutions in partner countries

2015 Germany

The Colombian Defensoría del Pueblo (Defensoría) and the German Institute for Human Rights (Deutsches Institut für Menschenrechte, DIMR), the National Human Rights Institutions of Colombia and Germany, respectively, started a cooperation in October 2015 to address business-related human rights...

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ExperTS Programme

2011-2021 Germany

The ExperTS programme uses as system of advisers - knows as "ExperTS" - to provide support and guidance to businesses and promote sustainable business practices around the world; and aims to facilitate the conditions under which companies can become involved in development policy activities in...

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Explaining Human Rights Due Diligence

2016 Germany

The German NAP spells out a common concept of human rights due diligence (HRDD) that it expects companies to implement. It defines 5 “core elements” of HRDD in line with the UNGPs and gives companies brief overviews of the main features of each core element. This allows companies to get a better...

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Foreign Trade and Investment Promotion Scheme – Review of Environmental, Social and Human Rights aspects (ESHR)


Respect for human rights is included within the Foreign Trade and Investment Promotion Scheme. The Federal Government expects the projects benefitting from investment, export credit or untied loan guarantees to adhere to relevant applicable ESHR standards.

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Responsible Business Conduct in trade missions

2018 Germany

In July 2018 the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy adopted a new procedure for the organisation of trade missions.

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The Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Procurement

2010 Germany

The Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Procurement at the Procurement Office of the Federal Ministry of the Interior (KNB) supports public authorities in the consideration of sustainability criteria in procurement projects.

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Chair of the CDDH


[email protected]