Below you will find the cooperation projects classified by countries including children’s rights and action to combat sexual exploitation and abuse of children, gender equality, the promotion of the rights of persons with disability, action against discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity, as well as action to combat violence against women and trafficking in human beings.

European Countries / Pays européens

     Albania / Albanie

Armenia / Arménie

            Belarus / Biélorussie

  • Promoting minority languages in Belarus


Bosnia and Herzegovina / Bosnie et Herzégovine

Bulgaria / Bulgarie

Cyprus / Chypre


Georgia / Géorgie


Latvia / Lettonie

Lithuania / Lituanie

Montenegro / Monténégro

Poland / Pologne

Republic of Moldova / République de Moldova

Romania / Roumanie

Slovak Republic / République slovaque

"the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" / "L'ex-République yougoslave de Macédoine"

Turkey / Turquie
